Glenn profile 8 24 2020



GOAL:  Art for self exploration by intuitively
receiving new impressions beyond memory.



Art for sharing joy & self exploration by intuitively receiving
new impressions beyond memory.
Example is Nikola Tesla receiving ideas beyond memory

Progress of the Soul
17″ H x 23 7/8″ W

Symbolism of Progress of the Soul explained

Solid  ‘reality’ is really energy frequency according to science. We’re collections of  SOURCE photons, incarnating in  Earth bodies to experience joy creating in all manifestation levels.

The back ground represents the Quantum Field of all possibilities.

After creating Light, we intended the seas, conscious water symbolized by the largest turquoise blue-green dots.

Next those Jane Robert’s Seth called  ‘Consciousness Units’ made mineral life, imagined as the 8 brown rectangles with light centers.

Yellow green rectangles indicate plant life.  Large flesh toned rectangles stand for animals.

The  blue forms  floating up to the right indicate spirits headed to more lessons. Dream  inspired, as Abraham/Hicks say, from  my Vortex.

To learn more about Quantum Fields visit blog post of 03 March, 2022.



Art for sharing joy & self exploration by intuitively receiving
new impressions beyond memory.

Progress of the Soul
 Image 17″ H x 23 7/8″ W 

Symbolism of Progress of the Soul explained

Solid ‘reality’ is really energy frequency according to science. We’re collections of  SOURCE photons, incarnating in  Earth bodies to experience joy creating in all manifestation levels.

The back ground is the Quantum Field of all possibilities.

After creating Light, we spoke the seas, conscious water symbolized by the largest turquoise blue-green dots.

Next those Jane Robert’s Seth called  ‘Consciousness Units’ made mineral life, imagined as the 8 brown rectangles with light centers.

Yellow green rectangles indicate plant life.  Large flesh toned rectangles stand for animals.

The  blue forms  floating up to the right represent spirits headed to more lessons. Dream  inspired, as Abraham/Hicks say, from  my Vortex.

Joyous Spirit Friends
22 7/8″H x 17 7/8″W

Symbolism of Joyous Spirit Friends explained

This represents individual beings, celebrating ‘on the other side’ during vacation breaks from incarnation. 

While incarnating we see “through a glass darkly”. ‘On the other side’,  vision is clear.  Differences of incarnational  opinion are enjoyed. Each wants the  other “to grow & become more, even more than self”; ORAM’S definition of  love.

Loneliness, isolation & separation from Source during  incarnation  are powerful teachers, inspiring us to continue learning loving acceptance in our subsequent Earth visits.  

There’s only life in or out of the flesh.

Joyous Spirit Friends
Edition 225 signed/numbered graphics,
325 gr archival paper,
Sheet 29 7/8H” x24″W, 
Image 22 7/8″Hx17 7/8″W

Symbolism of Joyous Spirit Friends explained

This represents individual beings, celebrating ‘on the other side’ during vacation breaks from incarnation. 

While incarnating we see “through a glass darkly”. ‘On the other side’,  vision is clear.  Differences of incarnational  opinion are enjoyed. Each wants the  other “to grow & become more, even more than self”; ORAM’S definition of  love.

Loneliness, isolation & separation from Source during  incarnation  are powerful teachers, inspiring us to continue learning loving acceptance in our subsequent Earth visits.  

There’s only life in or out of the flesh.

Lyrical Enneagram
20 7/8″H x 21 7/8″ W  

Symbolism of Lyrical Enneagram explained

Diagram is from J.G. Bennett’s book, Enneagram Studies. His book inspired this. He explains the  many ramifications of the enneagram (nine elements) symbol.

The Intelligent Enneagram, Pg 176:
 “…With language & number, a new order (grid & digital mapping in all it’s forms, including language) was created  on earth. When we pass through their domain into their source, we arrive  at higher intelligence.”

Following the  lines connecting the numbers around the circle, {after learning their meanings), focuses us on ‘segments of intentions’ & moments of decision.  It helps notice & feel each moment is a new creation in all the universe.

Lyrical Enneagram
Image 20 7/8″H x 21 7/8″ W  

Symbolism of Lyrical Enneagram explained

Diagram is from J.G. Bennett’s book, Enneagram Studies. His book inspired this. He explains the  many ramifications of the enneagram (nine elements) symbol.

The Intelligent Enneagram, Pg 176:
 “…With language & number, a new order (grid & digital mapping in all it’s forms,
including language) was created  on earth. When we pass through
their domain into their source, we arrive  at higher intelligence.”

Following the  lines connecting the numbers around the circle, (after learning their meanings), focuses us on ‘segments of intentions’ & moments of decision.  It helps notice & feel each moment is a new creation in all the universe.

 22 7/8″Hx18″W  

Symbolism of Graduates explained

The discs symbolize how much of ‘the kingdoms of heaven’ we’ve recognized & welcomed. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”. The contrasting brightness of rounds  illustrates  progress toward unconditional acceptance & love for all gained from many incarnational experiences.

Incarnation, more than half the world believes it. Early Christians took it for granted.  Jesus spoke of it in Matthew 11:14 & 17:11 & Mark in 9:11 – 13 & Paul in Romans 5:14.

Logically, the vast number of situations & perspectives needed to understand the ‘human condition’ to fulfill our destiny as ‘children of God’ needs the multitudes of opportunities of many  reincarnations. Astounding  skills of extremely young geniuses proves this to me.

As King David said in Psalm 82:6 (KJV)  “I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high”.

Image 22 7/8″Hx18″W  

Symbolism of Graduates explained

The discs symbolize how much of ‘the kingdoms of heaven’ we’ve recognized & welcomed. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”. The contrasting brightness of rounds  illustrates  progress toward unconditional acceptance & love for all gained from many incarnational experiences.

Incarnation, more than half the world believes it. Early christians took it for granted.  Jesus spoke of it in Matthew 11:14 & 17:11 & Mark in 9:11 – 13 & Paul in Romans 5:14.

Logically, the vast number of situations & perspectives needed to understand the ‘human condition’ to fulfill our destiny as ‘children of God’ needs the multitudes of opportunities of many  reincarnations. Astounding  skills of extremely young geniuses proves this to me.

As King David said in Psalm 82:6 (KJV)  “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high”.

Image 22 7/8″H x 18″W 

Symbolism of Graduates explained

The discs symbolize how much of ‘the kingdoms of heaven’ we’ve recognized & welcomed. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”. The contrasting brightness of rounds  illustrates  progress toward unconditional acceptance & love for all gained from many incarnational experiences.

Reinncarnation, more than half the world believes it. Early christians took it for granted.  Jesus spoke of it in Matthew 11:14 & 17:11 & Mark in 9:11 – 13 & Paul in Romans 5:14.

Logically, the vast number of situations & perspectives needed to understand the ‘human condition’ to fulfill our destiny as ‘children of God’ needs the multitudes of opportunities of many  reincarnations. Astounding  skills of extremely young geniuses proves this to me.

As King David said in Psalm 82:6 (KJV)  “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high”.

Conscious Sacred Geometry
  22 7/8″H x 15 1/2″ W, 

Symbolism of Conscious Sacred Geometry explained

Why Conscious?  Because this construction appears from magical higher thought and leads to further connection with unlimited mind,
guiding via many experiences to intelligence and wisdom.

Why Sacred?  The central diamond is the well known lozenge, the invariable form very simply constructed in the Vesica Piscis, created by overlapping two circles, from their centers to peripheries.  It is sacred because it is true and invariable. It demonstrates, teaches cosmic law.

“it… Illustrates the law of cosmic evolution, which, in obedience to the 
ideation of the universal mind, brings into existence all the various states
of the universal being…” Helena Blavatsky

“…we are witnessing a general shift away from the…assumption that the
…nature of matter can be considered…particles…to the concept that the fundamental nature of the material world is knowable only through it’s underlying patterns…”    Robert Lawlor, Sacred Geometry, Philosophy & Practice

Conscious Sacred Geometry
 Image 22 7/8″H x 15 1/2″ W, 

Symbolism of Conscious Sacred Geometry explained.

Why Conscious?  Because this construction appears from magical higher thought and leads to further connection with unlimited mind,
guiding via many experiences to intelligence and wisdom.

Why Sacred?  The central diamond is the well known lozenge, the invariable form very simply constructed in the Vesica Piscis, created by overlapping two circles, from their centers to peripheries.  It is sacred because it is true and invariable. It demonstrates, teaches cosmic law.

“it… Illustrates the law of cosmic evolution, which, in obedience to the 
ideation of the universal mind, brings into existence all the various states
of the universal being…” Helena Blavatsky

“…we are witnessing a general shift away from the…assumption that the
…nature of matter can be considered…particles…to the concept that the fundamental nature of the material world is knowable only through it’s underlying patterns…”    Robert Lawlor, Sacred Geometry, Philosophy & Practice


Cosmic Enneagram
Edition, 225 signed/numbered graphics, on 325gr archival paper,
Sheet 26″H x 30″W, Image 19″H x 24″W  $545.00

Symbolism of Cosmic Enneagram explained

The background symbolizes loving ‘all potential’, ‘quantum field’. The front picture plane shows a layer of thrusting color spectrum dots, suggesting beings inspired to go out searching to become more. 
Behind that are outgoing GALAXIES mingling with incoming EGGS bringing information from the Galactic Logos. 

Each of us has  a CENTER.  This circular composition has a center, as do living particles,  & chakras of the loving UNIVERSE, mirrored in us. Quantum mechanics says all centers can simultaneously be one center, as one center can be all peripheral points, depending on the openness  & desires of the observer.

The Enneagram diagram (accompanying Lyrical Enneagram graphic) that inspired this composition, is outside time or actualization, unchanged by actualizations, an eternal virtual world, infinite, intelligent, loving, joyous pattern of desires, always NOW.


Cosmic Enneagram
  19″H x 24″W 

Symbolism of Cosmic Enneagram explained

The background symbolizes loving ‘all potential’, ‘quantum field’. The front picture plane shows a layer of thrusting color spectrum dots, suggesting beings inspired to go out searching to become more. 
Behind that are outgoing GALAXIES mingling with incoming EGGS bringing information from the Galactic Logos. 

Each of us has  a CENTER.  This circular composition has a center, as do living particles,  & chakras of the loving UNIVERSE, mirrored in us. Quantum mechanics says all centers can simultaneously be one center, as one center can be all peripheral points, depending on the openness  & desires of the observer.

The Enneagram diagram (accompanying Lyrical Enneagram graphic) that inspired this composition, is outside time or actualization, unchanged by actualizations, an eternal virtual world, infinite, intelligent, loving, joyous pattern of desires, always NOW.


Galaxy Dance
 20 7/8″H x 20 7/8″W

Symbolism of Galaxy Dance Explained

Varying levels of spiritual maturity are illustrated by groups of dots moving clock wise around nine concentric circles.  

The red dots on the outer ring stand  for youngest beings. The color spectrum rises in frequency from the slowest, red on the outer ring to the highest, purple at the center.

Our Source desire nature attracts us to ever more satisfying experiences of Source love.  We advance to the inner rings as our frequency rises toward Source in growing joyousness.   Our Source desire nature creates specific desires on the earth plane which are ever augmenting the attraction power of the receiving Yinn polarity. 

We’re creators incarnated to enjoy creating Universe expansion through our choices & creations.  

Galaxy Dance
 Image 20 7/8″Hx20 7/8″W 

Symbolism of Galaxy Dance explained

Varying levels of spiritual maturity are illustrated by groups of dots moving clock wise around nine concentric circles.  

The red dots on the outer ring stand  for youngest beings. The color spectrum rises in frequency from the slowest, red on the outer ring to the highest, purple at the center.

Our Source desire nature attracts us to ever more satisfying experiences of Source love.  We advance to the inner rings as our frequency rises toward Source in growing joyousness.   Our Source desire nature creates specific desires on the earth plane which are ever augmenting the attraction power of the receiving Yinn polarity. 

We’re creators incarnated to enjoy creating Universe expansion through our choices & creations.  

Life Between Heaven and Gaia
13 5/8″H x 22″W

Symbolism of Life Between Heaven and Gaia explained

Yang, the radiating energy polarity, often termed divine masculine, is symbolized by the shining white & rainbow sun at the top. Yinn, the energy receiving polarity, often termed divine feminine, is symbolized by the rising attracting earth form at the bottom.
Radiating Yang light from above completes the energy polarity circuit to receptively powerful Yinn.

The desiring power of devine Yinn must always equal the radiating power of divine Yang in the universe.

The loving conscious energies of the Universe Logos as expressed by Nature, are playing, evolving, interacting between the Yinn & Yang polarities.

Life Between Heaven and Gaia
Image, 13 5/8″H x 22″W

Symbolism of Life Between Heaven and Gaia explained

Yang, the radiating energy polarity, often termed divine masculine, is symbolized by the shining white & rainbow sun at the top. Yinn, the energy receiving polarity, often termed divine feminine, is symbolized by the rising attracting earth form at the bottom.
Radiating Yang light from above completes the energy polarity circuit to receptively powerful Yinn.

The desiring power of devine Yinn must always equal the radiating power of divine Yang in the universe.

The loving conscious energies of the Universe Logos as expressed by Nature, are playing, evolving, interacting between the Yinn & Yang polarities.

Fertile Quantum Potentialities
18 1/2″ h x 23 3/4″ w

‘Fertile Quantum Potentialities’

The black space background surrounding the Xs & Os symbolizes
real outer space.

The Xs & Os enclosure with it’s contents symbolize a human cell,  
a microcosmic metaphor for Source,  consciousness, cosmos.

The Xs and Os ring loosely represents the variably permeable
membrane cells of any human parent cell.

The rainbow path inside the Xs & Os ring
IS made of sunlight, Yang, shining into water droplets, Yin,  
          stands for a transitional frequency rise between the body’s physical
cell’s frequency and the higher frequency invisible holographic quantum
field csu’s, consciousness units. I meditate on them as ‘spiritual cells’ able
to instantly accept and release adjacent moving ‘ideas’ of at least  two
octaves of frequency.
          This concept and term ‘conscious units’ was channeled from Seth, a
higher frequency being collective, by Jane Roberts, the latter half of the  
last century.

The deep colored area inside the  rainbow path stands for activated
invisible everywhere quantum holographic energy csu’s, also Hindu
prana, or field consciousness units. We move the the field’s cpu’s by
adjacent uptake & transmittal of self ‘ideas’ that we project into
the field’s csu’s. We’re manifested progressively by such csu’s through
which we  “live, move and have our being”. By this  process we
participate in our own and other’s creation. Our self ‘ideas pass ‘ from
one csu to the neighbor csu in the field or Source mind. 

All the bright forms in the picture represent outer sensible physical form things or 
inner awareness of psychic realities things. Both outer physical form things or
inner awareness of psychic realities things, we call ‘IDEAS’.

Usually in a particular present life, except that Source taught us, we’ve been
unaware all the familiar objects around us were made by ou thoughts
resonating with God’s/our ‘field’s csu’s. Knowingly or unknowingly, I, or I as a
group of beings blended with Source initiate manifestation.

Manifestation is initiated as I/we project our soul’s ‘desire ideas’ into field csu’s.
The csu’s are able to assemble (ideas/enersgies) atoms and molecules into
physical things, thoughts and situations.

Me as quantum energy, includes all other selves. Most people have imagined self to
be a separate individual from Source. Structural separation is impossible due to our
eternal existance  the field. However we can give ourselves an illusion of separation,
even manifestating physical density to imagine ourselves separate. We projected
original separation in density to explore ‘separation’ lessons. From God’s viewpoint
We’re students allowed to believe or do as we want. We’re always loved and
never separate. Our separation lessons will eventually lead us to ask: can we, in our 
physical manifestation, really do all that God does and better?
Since we’re of the field, the field being an aspect of God, the essence of the mind of
God inherent in us, keeps us subliminally connected to all others and to Source. 

“We live, move and have our being” in the quantum holographic field. Means: 
“We live, move and have our being in God” Atheism is merely unawareness that
we’re basically an energetic function of quantum physics field truths.  All that
is physical, at whatever frequency rate is an integral permanent part of
the quantum Source field. 

We move, process through three dimensions of  the multidimensional field
by means of  the field’s consciousness units, csu’s, by adjacent energy
displacement like images move through the two dimensional pixels of a tv

Jane Roberts’ channelled a higher frequency spirit collective called Seth,
Quantum Field Consciousness representatives, the latter third of last century.
The term Consciousness Units, csu’s was coined by Seth. 

Referring back to the Xs and Os ring mentioned above: 
The great number of functions of a large parent cell and it’s support cells in
the semipermeable cell wall of a larger individual human parent cell are said
to possess ‘bio intelligence’. However this misidentified ‘bio intelligence’ 
is actually God intelligence minutely expressing in each cell. God directs
every body cell’s  activity at a rate of 200 operations per second. That’s
very far beyond our perceptual capacity.

I progress spiritually when I notice that God operates all my  functions
except thought, a potential for conscious thought, focus and potential for self

Infinite God intelligence is perceived in perfect cooperation of huge numbers
of support cells of the parent cell. 

God’s intention through the specific operations of each cell is the success of the whole

The biological measuring intelligence of the cells is God’s spiritual hierarchy of bio agents
controlling the timing of entry or exit permission for chemical
elements entering from or exiting the cell.  

The nutrients, chemical elements, come from or go the rarely discussed interstitial fluid’s blood
reservoir between all our cells. 
the ending and beginning point of our blood circulation.  Doubly symbolized by the enclosed
deep colored ‘field’. 
As we recognize  each one of us is a self labeling individual, we remain  essentially a cooperating
part of a Set. Willingness to accept we’re so similar may help us, with God’s help, to forgive other’s or
our own unfamiliar orunwanted behavior. 

The encircling rainbow is a perennial sign of new hope.
It symbolizes infinite power, energy and life. The vesica (invisible) symbolizes the
doorway into the field. The inner surrounding rainbow presents the idea of BOUNDARIES essential to keep
all manifested things, ideas and feelings separate from each other for learning the lessons of separation
(from God and each other). 

The dots (invisible) show energy vectors traversing the field.

Our living, loving, feeling, emotional AWARENESSES of our LIFE demonstrates to us those qualities
inhere in, sing from the field. Creator put them there and maintains the field eternally from
moment to moment.

The laws of quantum field action affirm and actualize loving life qualities. The field contains
the receptive building blocks aspect of God’s love. Seth said ‘consciousness units’ are the building
blocks which form the manifested ‘ideas’ we claim from our desire, consciousness and intention.
For realization our intention must be knowingly directed to the field in faith. The field receives our
intention energy because we and the field are part of each other.
The constituent bundles of atom energies (ideas) we perceive as  solid things at our sense frequency
level, including us, are constantly exchanging  between us/things (ideas), and field energies. 

The field has characteristics in common with our  brain’s left hemisphere. The left brain does practical
logical duties of consciousness. It exemplifies Yang polarity power, the ‘desire to radiate’
The radiated light energizes and potentiates all systems. The left brain sustains through dependable
results. It does practical logical duties of categorizing, external communicating, sorting and filing.

Our right brain represents Yin polarity power, the ‘desiring to receive’ creative, constructive, protecting
ability. Our true self uses the right brain to induce the field to create manifestations of our pictured
desires. Our right brain creates our feelings of self, recognizes our will, feels and evaluates our
sensations and emotions, generates our affections, choices and intentions. These right brain actions
happen from the small self, or with enlightenment, blended with our true self/Source self.

The eternally imperative equal collaboration between the ‘will to radiate’ Yang power and the ‘will to
receive’ Yin power results in the Monad and Source conceiving, imagining and planning together,
intending to create things available to our senses. Both genders use these polarity energies.

Atoms and molecules once thought to be only matter are what we’re made of. Now manifest forms
(ideas) are known to be ‘energy knots’ embedded in continuous energy fields. At the atomic
particle level there’s no matter, only energy patterns. But to us solid matter remains very real,
meaning we need to know ‘reality’ is not a single thing formed from our assembled natural sense
perceptions but is a combination of a vast range of divisions of frequency groups, called ‘quanta’. The
groups  of lower to higher frequencies are also called ‘octaves’ like piano notes.

So the naïve belief in a SINGLE  consensus shared environment along with the (wrong)
assumption we share each others definitions, based on our natural sense perception, must expand.
The perceived surroundings are made of our internal translations of many levels of frequency
quanta. We were enabled to awareness of frequencies beyond our natural sense’s capacities by
machines (discoveries channeled by higher mind to inventors) or channeled to our minds directly
from higher mind. Examples of invisible energies: all the wireless connections for our
communications devices.

The relationships of the symbols in this image suggest the quantum field must be Source. A separate
Source did not create the eternal creative quantum field (can’t have, that would be separation and
duality) but IS the field and  therefore ALL. Out of the infinite Cosmos Jesus the Christ is one of the
loving expression of the Source/God field.

Understanding ‘Reality’ means recognizing more than one quantum energy level. For example we can
physically five sense feel,  our body but we can’t physically five sense feel  our mental conception of the
atoms we’re made of. That’s two energy levels among many more.

‘Individuals’ in the ‘cell wall’ despite differing personality traits, different coloring, are so similar.

For millennia we’ve been making images of people and doing theater to observe peopl’s behavior.
That’s allowed us to begin to observe ourselves from a safe distance.

We incarnated into physicality, giving us the chance to notice the possibility of observing and
comparing conditions outside  our bodies in addition to  sensations and psychic patterns inside our
bodies.  We learn and grow by comparing apparent similars, then in free will,
creating opinions as to what may be true .
Those activities point to our potential capacity to discover then enter and use our observer function
to know ourselves.  The observer function is our higher self that is eternal and using the incarnated
personality identities for learning the complexities of wisdom and be helped to rise above
egocentricity to become loving.

The image shows  logically,
there’s no other possibility than that we (represented by the bright objects in the picture) and Source
(partially represented by the quantum fields) are ONE.  But on more than one quantum energy level. 
This points to our potential catacity to enter our observer function, learning about our mechanical
levels of operation.  Gurdjief’s teaching speaks of this possible ability.

We think image our intentions into the field we’re an integral part of. The infinitely connected holographic
field may allow us to multi locate and communicate as we raise our frequency to access the infinite
quantum mind.  We raise our frequency using various techniques to quiet the habitual automatic
mental talk and eliminate negatively directed harmful thought replacing it with beneficial loving thought
and action toward ourselves all.

Anything created is an idea. An idea is a patterned energy frequency bundle, product of intentional
conscious mind. An energy frequency bundle is composed of quantum field ‘consciousness units’
(from Seth) therefore malleable.  Malleable because quantum ‘consciousness units’ are accessible to us as
part of us and therefore transformable by  our consciousness blended with  our true self Source mind.

Source’ love, the ultimate eternal cause keeps boundaries around all things (ideas) manifested by
Source’ children to encourage infinite choice of different comparative perspectives for the lessons
we need to learn in the octave of density and (apparent) separation from Source.  Even so, we, as
God’s children are allowed to make changes. As Seth said: “there are no closed systems”, meaning
with knowledge,  consciousness and intention, the protected energy bundles, (ideas), are malleable.
I’m using the image as a mantra.  This image and it’s description aligns with the twelve book channeled
series by the guides and Paul Selig: ‘I Am the Word’

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